about Nationwide forklift shipping

From Transport heavy forklifts across the country nationwide forklifts shipping has the equipment,
skill and experience to get the job done efficiently and dependably

At Nationwide Forklift, we've made it our unique business to understand the needs of the people shipping forklifts, and making the entire industry a little bit easier. Since our conception, we've gone the extra mile to understand all the considerations of not only the shipping industry in general, but specifically, the forklift shipping industry, striving to understand every aspect.

The result? When you ship with Nationwide, you get the excellent service you expect from a company that cares about your needs. Throughout the entire process, we give you contact with our 24 hour customer support team, as well as conveniences such as low, fixed prices and zero cancellation fees.

Our experience shipping forklifts around the world has shown us that everyone could use a partner in everything they attempt to carry out. In the shipping industry, we at Nationwide Forklift fill that opening for all of our loyal customers.

Reliable On-time
Fortlift Transport Services

  • Make Contact

    Contact us via phone, email or fill out our forklift transport quote form.

  • Receive Your Quote

    We will give you the best price options for your specific requirements.

  • Ship Your Forklift

    You will have one point of contact throughout we ship your Forklifts


1001 W Cypress Creek Rd. St
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309


Phone: (877) 312-3439
Fax: (305) 396-5888
Email: Dispatch@nationwideforkliftshipping.com

Business Hours

Monday-Friday: 7am to 7pm
Saturday: 7am to 7pm
Sunday: 7am to 7pm

for any queries Call at (877) 312-3439